Making Sense

Making Sense

One of the cornerstones of care at Three Angels is to adapt to our children’s needs as much as possible. There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach for orphan care, especially for kids with special requirements like Daphne. Recently, our staff received training for sensory processing disorder from some of our medical specialists visiting Haiti. Given primarily for the benefit of Daphne, many of the lessons could also be adapted for our other children...



Children with TOF will die before they reach six years old if left untreated.  Mike was already a year and half. Yet what options were there? Let him languish alone in some crib in the corner of a hospital until he dies? (He had already been at the hospital for over a year, all alone.) Or do we bring him home to Angel House to let him be loved, adored and well-cared, no matter what happens. We can’t just be in it for the wins. We are here to participate in the hard things too. So after lots of prayer and meetings, we decided to take the leap of faith and bring Mike home to Angel House, no matter the outcome.