Study Buddies

Nope, it’s not detention. Almost every Saturday morning, our younger students arrive for a little extra help with their schoolwork. Some show up because they struggle with a learning disability. Some were ill and missed class. Often, they’re here because they don’t have parents who can read and cannot help them with homework. We are thrilled to open up the Family Center (and the kitchen) to provide them with this extra help (and some lunch). 

But the heroes each Saturday are the teenagers. They show up to ‘give back’ by being study buddies and teaching the littles. These teens graduated from Three Angels and are on scholarship to secondary school (like high school). This is a big deal. Less than 20% of Haitians graduate from primary school, and far less than that can afford to attend secondary school. Our scholarships are a true gift and something we are able to provide through our Student Sponsors.

Let’s face it, even our superstar teenagers can be pretty self-focused. It’s a thing. And sometimes gratitude needs to be taught. So part of the scholarship program for our older students entails them participating in the success of others. So this past school year we started the Saturday Study Buddy program, and it has been a hit! Many of our teens really love being the boss and serving as mentors. Others really appreciate the lunch that’s provided. All in all, we have a great turnout each Saturday. 

Side benefits abound! In addition to improved academic performance, it’s been so good for the young ones to have academic role models. As mentioned earlier, many of their parents have never gone to school. Our teens teach the littles what is possible. Not by outsiders, but by those kids that are just like them. The younger students seem to sit up a little more straight and pay a bit more attention when being instructed by someone that they admire. Maybe it’s the novelty or maybe it’s familiarity. But these kids are learning from each other every Saturday. 

THIS is what your sponsorship can do. God is a giver. We are raising givers, and we thank YOU for being a giver in these children’s lives.  Not a sponsor yet? Click here and sign up today!