Teacher Feature!

Meet Elizabeth Merizier!

This extraordinary teacher has taught the sixth grade at Three Angels Christian Academy for 13 years—about half of her 25-year teaching career!

A typical school day begins in prayer, song, and the raising of the national flag. Following that, the students eat breakfast in the classroom— an important part of Three Angels’ belief in caring for the whole child. Lessons include French, reading, math, history, and science.

Watching a student’s face brighten upon grasping an understanding of something she is teaching is Elizabeth’s favorite job aspect. And it’s no wonder she feels that way; the primary goal she has for her students is for them to be successful in their lives. From her perspective, a successful academic career is a critical component of that. Elizabeth has the privilege of sending off some of her best students to our Secondary Scholarship Program, where the top 6th-grade students receive scholarships to continue their education at a partnering high school. Not every child gets this opportunity, so it’s understandable that a dedicated teacher, such as Elizabeth, would take great pride and satisfaction in knowing that her efforts are reaping excellent results. She is especially proud of how well the students currently in our Secondary Scholarship Program are doing!

The thing she finds difficult is knowing there are children in her class who are not receiving encouragement and support at home for their education. Although she and the other teaching staff meet regularly with parents and offer help and suggestions for improving the learning experience of the children, not all families are equipped to handle or even understand or appreciate what is needed. Those children have less advantage than those whose families appreciate the importance of education and are willing and able to support them to excel.

View of the playground from outside her second-floor classroom

Raising up new generations of educated and thinking children will help to promote the hopes and dreams that drive Elizabeth to persevere: a vision for improved education, healthcare, and better opportunities for Haiti and her people. As a single woman without children at home to care for, she is free to reach higher for herself, too, by continuing her own education. She is the first to greet visitors with the English she has studied to improve her ability to communicate and transcend limitations. Additionally, she is studying School Administration so that she will have access to opportunities to take a more active role in Haiti’s education development.

Elizabeth views herself, as well as those she serves with, as placed by God to accomplish jobs He has set for them to do, and she sees that as an important honor.

And WE are honored to have you on our Team, Elizabeth!

Elizabeth lives with her father and mother, two brothers, and one sister. Her best advice for you? Read and believe John 3:16!